Case study

Secure access to large format documents a big seller for scanning services provider

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Secure access to large format documents a big seller for scanning services provider


With the large-format scanning technology offered by document management services provider Image One, county governments across Florida are making quick work of digitizing and securing their land-use maps, engineering plans and other oversized documents.

More about the HD Ultra X scanner


Meet growing demand to convert large-format documents into secure, easily accessible, high quality digital


Contex HD Ultra X 4250 large-format scanner with Nextimage scanning software and control monitor; PaperVision®.com secure cloud information management system.


Superior quality images available 24/7 from anywhere; faster order processing; lower customer costs and higher margins by eliminating need for costly re-scans to improve image quality.


“More and more are wanting to get everything scanned and online. COVID-19 put a big twist in everybody’s plans as far as accessibility. They couldn’t get to things because they were back in the filing cabinet at the office that was closed. PaperVision®.com enables them to have secure access to their documents from anywhere.”

— Kevin Corley, Executive Director of Technology Services
Image One

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